Medical Information Services

Medical Information Services

DIRC offers innovative solutions to provide a seamless service to your customers, saving

you both time and money. Our staff understand your needs and expectations and the importance of the relationships that you maintain.

Serving the public, health professionals, or a mixture of both, DIRC professionals are ready on short-notice to meet your medical information needs. All calls are responded to within the parameters you establish, and all calls are documented electronically and detailed reports are generated to track utilization, demographics, and the nature of calls. Telephone standards are tracked including wait times and abandonment rates. Calls can be routed automatically and answered to appear completely seamless to external callers. Service provision in French and other languages is available.

Advantages of outsourcing your medical information service to DIRC:

Eliminates documentation and technology issues related to setup and growth

Access to skilled pharmacists with superb communication skills

Cost-effective and highly scalable

Enhanced knowledge base available to callers

Seamlessly integrated with your in-house functions

Resource for adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting

Rigorous quality assurance

In addition to the call centre function, DIRC also contracts for many projects related to drug information including medical writing, literature searches, and other specialty projects

Our clients are varied and include pharmaceutical companies as well as the Ministry of Health, where we serve over 12 million Ontarians through the TeleHealth Ontario service.