DIRC provides services in the following areas:

New Drug Evaluations
DIRC staff are experienced at providing evidence-based recommendations for formulary additions/deletions following a comprehensive, objective review of the literature. Reviews can range from brief summaries to detailed reviews, and are based on objective assessments of value-for-money.
For formularies to remain effective, ongoing review and maintenance is required. DIRC can facilitate this through its constant surveillance of new clinical evidence that may impact on formulary benefits.
Development of therapeutic guidelines
Evidence-based guideline development can be a labour- and time-intensive process. The experts at DIRC can assist with all or part of this process from literature reviews to medical writing.
Medical writing
DIRC pharmacists are sought out for their medical writing skills. Many have several years of experience writing for professional/trade journals. Our clients include the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, The Canadian Pharmacists’ Association, and the Manitoba Society of Pharmacists. Written information for health care professionals and/or patients in professional publications and the lay press can be prepared or reviewed in accordance with the parameters established by the client. View some of our recent publications below:
Continuing Education Consultation and Presentations
We know pharmacists: What they need to know, and how to best communicate that information. Let us develop your pharmacist continuing (CE) content with you. In addition to background preparation, DIRC pharmacists are available to deliver your CE content on your behalf. We have a number of prepared topics, or will develop a presentation to meet your specific needs. DIRC staff speak regularly at presentations, conferences, and CE events. For a summary of our past activities, see our Annual Reports.
Content Experts
DIRC pharmacists are information experts and are available to participate on expert advisory panels and other forums requiring the input of a medical information specialist. Contact us with your needs and we will match you with one of our content experts.
Clinical medication management
With extensive and varied clinical background experience, DIRC staff are available to provide on-site patient medication management services. The level and scope of service can be adapted to each client’s needs.